Cornelia Sattler
Extension Scientist
Bachelor and Master of Science (Natural Resource Management), PhD in Biology

Correctly implemented, integrated pest management (IPM) is an important tool in the fight against insect pests in grains and to avoid the evolution of insecticide resistance. There are already several powerful insecticide resistance management strategies (IRMS) available for advisors and growers. But are these management strategies broadly accepted and is IPM adopted by growers? Conny is working to answer these questions, and more, as part of her role as Extension scientist on the AGPIP project.
Conny is an agroecologist with focus on integrated pest management (IPM). She is passionate about developing sustainable pest management strategies to enhance beneficial insects and reduce pesticide applications. She completed her PhD and postdoctoral research on arthropod communities in rice agroecosystems with focus on field experiments on sustainable pest management practices in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Working for the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research in Germany, she focused on an integrated pest management approach called “ecological engineering”, which aims to reduce pesticide inputs by promoting beneficial insects with additional food sources like flowers/crops (nectar and pollen) in the surrounding landscapes.
Outside of work, Conny likes to be out in nature, going for hikes, and playing sport.
Möckel, S., Sattler, C., Mühlenberg, H. (2021): Regulierung des Pestizideinsatzes in Schutzgebieten – Rechtliche Bewertung und Empfehlungen anhand der Rechtslage auf Bundesebene sowie in Baden-Württemberg, Niedersachsen und Sachsen. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplan. 53(6), 20–29.
Mühlenberg, H., Möckel, S., Sattler, C. (2021): Regelungen zur Anwendung von Pestiziden in Schutzgebieten, Texte Umweltbundesamt 49/2021.
Sattler, C., Schrader, J., Flor, R.J., Keo, M., Chhun, S., Saban, C., Hadi, B.A.R., Settele, J. (2021): Reducing pesticides and increasing crop diversification conserve natural enemies and offer economic benefits for farmers – A case study in Cambodian rice fields. Insects. 12(3): 267.
Schrader, J., Craven, D., Sattler, C., Cámara‐Leret, R., Moeljono, S., Kreft, H. (2021): Life‐history dimensions indicate non‐random assembly processes in tropical island tree communities. Ecography. 44, 469–480.
Schrader, J., Parsch, C., Moeljono, S., Kalor, J.D., Hofmann, T., Weinrich, C., Mühlberger, F., Stinn, C., Mühlenberg, M., Sattler, C. (2020): An annotated bird checklist for Gam island, Raja Ampat, including field notes on species monitoring and conservation. Forest and Society. 4, 310-329.
Schrader, J., Moeljono, S., Tambing, J., Sattler, C., Kreft, H. (2020): A new dataset on plant occurrences on small islands, including species abundances and functional traits across different spatial scales. Biodiversity Data Journal. 8, e55275.
Sattler, C., Gianuca T. A., Schweiger O., Franzén, M., Settele, J. (2020): Pesticides and land cover heterogeneity affect functional group and taxonomic diversity of arthropods in rice agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 297, art. 106927
Settele, J., Heong, K.L., Kühn, I., …, Sattler, C., …, & Wiemers, M. (2018): Rice ecosystem services in south–east Asia. Paddy and Water Environment. 16(2), 221–224.
Spangenberg, J.H., …, Sattler, C., …, Settele, J. (2017): The LEGATO cross-disciplinary integrated ecosystem service research framework: an example of integrating research results from the analysis of global change impacts and the social, cultural and economic system dynamics of irrigated rice production. Paddy and Water Environment. 16(2), 287–319.
Nguyen, V.S., Nguyen, H.M., Klotzbücher, A., Vetterlein, D., Klotzbücher, T., Jahn, R., Schneiker, J., Türke, M., Fried, O., Bergmeier, E., Sattler, C., Settele, J. (2018): From science to application: field demonstrations to enhance sustainable rice production in the north of Vietnam—lessons from the LEGATO project. Paddy and Water Environment. 16(2), 353–358.
Sattler, C., Schrader, J., Farkas, V.M., Settele, J., Franzén, M. (2018): Pesticide diversity in rice growing areas of Northern Vietnam. Paddy and Water Environment. 16(2), 339–352.
Schrader, J., Franzén, M., Sattler, C., Ferderer, P., Westphal, C. (2017): Woody habitats promote pollinators and complexity of plant–pollinator interactions in homegardens located in rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. Paddy and Water Environment. 16(2), 253–263.