Andrew Weeks
Bachelor of Science with Honours, PhD Ecological Genetics
Andrew’s passion is genetics. He is fascinated by the many ways different creatures adapt to their environments, and how nature versus nurture contributes to the process. His interest began when studying insects in agricultural environments, but it wasn’t long before Andrew’s focus shifted to the conservation field and he has since spent the last 15 years working on some of Australia’s most endangered animals. This includes his favourite species, the mountain pygmy possum, which also happens to live in his favourite environment, the Australian alps.
Andrew has developed expertise in a broad range of fields including conservation genetics, wildlife ecology, environmental monitoring, sustainability management, and agricultural pest management. In 2007, he teamed up with Dr Paul Umina to form Cesar, with the goal of creating an innovative science-based consultancy that could assist government and private sector clients to achieve sustainable outcomes using the latest scientific research.
Andrew’s passion for wildlife combined with his experience in population and ecological genetics has resulted in the development of unique conservation strategies that aim to maximise species resilience. Realising genetic issues are often not considered in conservation strategies, he has become actively involved in providing expertise in genetics to numerous threatened species programs throughout Australia. Andrew is currently a member of three state threatened species recovery teams, a specialist advisor to Parks Australia and Mt Rothwell Biodiversity and Interpretation Centre and a founding Director of EnviroDNA.
John Black, Anthony van Rooyen, Dean Heinze, Robbie Gaffney, Ary Hoffmann, Thomas Schmidt, Andrew Weeks (2023) Heterogeneous patterns of heterozygosity loss in isolated populations of the threatened eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii). Molecular Ecology 215: 193-214.
John Black, Anthony van Rooyen, Dean Heinze, Robbie Gaffney, Ary Hoffmann, Thomas Schmidt, Andrew Weeks (2023) Heterogeneous patterns of heterozygosity loss in isolated populations of the threatened eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii). Molecular Ecology 00: 1-16.
Thomas Burns, Nick Clemann, Anthony van Rooyen, Ben Scheele, Andrew Weeks, Don Driscoll (In review) Environmental DNA sampling in a terrestrial environment: Methods to detect a critically endangered frog and a global pathogen. bioRxiv
Jessica Keem, Bronwyn Hradsky, Joe Benshemesh, Mark Le Pla, Abigail Watkins, Andrew Weeks, Anthony van Rooyen, John Black, Darren Southwell (2023) Evaluating predator control using two non-invasive population metrics: A camera trap activity index and density estimation from scat genotyping. Wildlife Research 51: WR23033.
Emily McColl-Gausden, Andrew Weeks, Rhys Coleman, Sue Song, Reid Tingley (2023) Using hierarchical models to compare the sensitivity of metabarcoding and qPCR for eDNA detection. Ecological Informatics 75: 102072.
John Read, Kev Bradley, Iain Gordon, Adrian Manning, Linda Neaves, April Reside, Kiarrah Smith, Rick Southgate, Adrian Wayne, Andrew Weeks, Belinda Wilson, Katherine Moseby (2023) Havens are a pathway, not an endpoint, for species recovery: A response to Woinarski et al.. Biological Conservation 285: 110212.
Zach Clark, Jessica Fish, Paul Butcher, Owen Holland, Craig Sherman, Justin Rizzari, Andrew Weeks, Adam Miller (2023) Insights into the diet and trophic ecology of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) gained through DNA metabarcoding analyses of cloacal swabs. Environmental DNA 5: 1362-1377.
Paul Umina, James Maino, Owain Edwards, Xuan Cheng, Matthew Binns, Anthony van Rooyen, Sue Song, Andrew Weeks, Aston Arthur, Olivia Reynolds, Ary Hoffmann (2023) Fitness costs of pyrethroid resistance in the polyphagous pest mite, Halotydeus destructor, under field conditions. Journal of Pest Science 97: 185–197.
Paul Umina, Andrew Weeks, James Maino, Ary Hoffmann, Sue Song, Joshua Thia, Dustin Severtson, Xuan Cheng, Anthony van Rooyen, Aston Arthur (2022) Australian Bryobia mites (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae) form a complex of cryptic taxa with unique climatic niches and insecticide responses. Pest Management Science 78: 2860-2871.
Rhys Coleman, Yung En Chee, Nick Bond, Andrew Weeks, Josh Griffiths, Melody Serena, Geoff Williams, Christopher Walsh (2022) Understanding and managing the interactive impacts of growth in urban land use and climate change on freshwater biota: A case study using the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). Global Change Biology 28: 1287-1300.
Alexander Coutts, Allyson O’Brien, Andrew Weeks, Stephen Swearer, Anthony van Rooyen, Simon Branigan, Rebecca Morris (2022) An environmental DNA approach to informing restoration of the functionally extinct oyster, Ostrea angasi. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32: 1732-1744.
Maldwyn Evans, Andrew Weeks, Ben Scheele, Iain Gordon, Linda Neaves, Tim Andrewartha, Brittany Brockett, Shoshana Rapley, Kiarrah Smith, Belinda Wilson, Adrian Manning (2022) Coexistence conservation: Reconciling threatened species and invasive predators through adaptive ecological and evolutionary approaches. Conservation Science and Practice 4: e12742.
Mark Le Pla, Emma Birnbaum, Matthew Rees, Bronwyn Hradsky, Andrew Weeks, Anthony van Rooyen, Jack Pascoe (2022) Genetic sampling and an activity index indicate contrasting outcomes of lethal control for an invasive predator. Austral Ecology 47: 1062-1076.
Yvonne Willi, Torsten Kristensen, Carla Sgrò, Andrew Weeks, Michael Ørsted, Ary Hoffmann (2022) Conservation genetics as a management tool: The five best-supported paradigms to assist the management of threatened species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2105076119.
Elia Pirtle, Anthony van Rooyen, James Maino, Andrew Weeks, Paul Umina (2021) A molecular method for biomonitoring of an exotic plant‐pest: Leafmining for environmental DNA. Molecular Ecology 30: 4913-4925.
Ary Hoffmann, Adam Miller, Andrew Weeks (2021) Genetic mixing for population management: From genetic rescue to provenancing. Evolutionary Applications 14: 634-652.
Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks, Carla Sgrò (2021) Opportunities and challenges in assessing climate change vulnerability through genomics. Cell 184: 1420-1425.
Emily McColl‐Gausden, Andrew Weeks, Rhys Coleman, Katie Robinson, Sue Song, Tarmo Raadik, Reid Tingley (2021) Multispecies models reveal that eDNA metabarcoding is more sensitive than backpack electrofishing for conducting fish surveys in freshwater streams. Molecular Ecology 30: 3111-3126.
Peter Mee, Peter Walker, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann, Jean‐Bernard Duchemin (2021) Distribution of Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in southern Australia and insight into the Culicoides victoriae morpho‐variants. Austral Entomology 60: 525-534.
Thomas Schmidt, Moshe Jasper, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2021) Unbiased population heterozygosity estimates from genome‐wide sequence data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1888-1898.
Anthony van Rooyen, Adam Miller, Zach Clark, Craig Sherman, Paul Butcher, Justin Rizzari, Andrew Weeks (2021) Development of an environmental DNA assay for detecting multiple shark species involved in human-shark conflicts in Australia. Environmental DNA 3: 940-949.
Nancy Endersby‐Harshman, Thomas Schmidt, Jessica Chung, Anthony van Rooyen, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2020) Heterogeneous genetic invasions of three insecticide resistance mutations in Indo‐Pacific populations of Aedes aegypti (L.). Molecular Ecology 29: 1628-1641.
Emily McColl-Gausden, Andrew Weeks, Reid Tingley (2020) A field ecologist’s guide to environmental DNA sampling in freshwater environments. Australian Zoologist 40: 641-651.
Adam Miller, Craig Nitschke, Andrew Weeks, William Weatherly, Simon Heyes, Steve Sinclair, Owen Holland, Aggie Stevenson, Linda Broadhurst, Susan Hoebee, Craig Sherman, John Morgan (2020) Genetic data and climate niche suitability models highlight the vulnerability of a functionally important plant species from south‐eastern Australia. Evolutionary Applications 13: 2014-2029.
Thomas Schmidt, Jessica Chung, Ann-Christin Honnen, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2020) Population genomics of two invasive mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus) from the Indo-Pacific. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14: e0008463.
Thomas Schmidt, Jessica Chung, Anthony van Rooyen, Angus Sly, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2020) Incursion pathways of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) into Australia contrast sharply with those of the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). Pest Management Science 76: 4202-4209.
Daniel Stoessel, Anthony van Rooyen, Luciano Beheregaray, Scott Raymond, Bryan Van Wyk, James Haddy, Jason Lieschke, Andrew Weeks (2020) Population genetic structure of estuary perch (Percalates colonorum Gunther) in south-eastern Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 72: 263-274.
Paul Umina, Aston Arthur, Mathew Binns, James Maino (2019) A method to investigate neonicotinoid resistance in mites. Experimental and Applied Acarology 79: 345-357.
Reid Tingley, Matthew Greenlees, Scott Oertel, Anthony van Rooyen, Andrew Weeks (2019) Environmental DNA sampling as a surveillance tool for cane toad Rhinella marina introductions on offshore islands. Biological Invasions 21: 45297.
Thomas Schmidt, Anthony van Rooyen, Jessica Chung, Nancy Endersby‐Harshman, Philippa Griffin, Angus Sly, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2019) Tracking genetic invasions: Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms reveal the source of pyrethroid-resistant Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) incursions at international ports. Evolutionary Applications 12: 1136-1146.
Yasaman Alavi, Anthony van Rooyen, Mark Elgar, Therésa Jones, Andrew Weeks (2018) Novel microsatellite markers suggest the mechanism of parthenogenesis in Extatosoma tiaratum is automixis with terminal fusion. Insect Science 25: 24-32.
Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2018) The detection and significance of emerging insecticide resistance in mosquitoes. Microbiology Australia 39: 80-83.
William Lugg, Josh Griffiths, Anthony van Rooyen, Andrew Weeks, Reid Tingley (2018) Optimal survey designs for environmental DNA sampling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 1049-1059.
Siobhan de Little, Owain Edwards, Anthony van Rooyen, Andrew Weeks, Paul Umina (2017) Discovery of metabolic resistance to neonicotinoids in green peach aphids (Myzus persicae) in Australia. Pest Management Science 73: 1611-1617.
Alecia Bellgrove, Anthony van Rooyen, Andrew Weeks, Jennifer Clark, Martina Doblin, Adam Miller (2017) New resource for population genetics studies on the Australasian intertidal brown alga, Hormosira banksii: Isolation and characterization of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci through next generation DNA sequencing. Journal of Applied Phycology 29: 1721-1727.
Gurutzeta Guillera‐Arroita, José Lahoz‐Monfort, Anthony van Rooyen, Andrew Weeks, Reid Tingley (2017) Dealing with false‐positive and false‐negative errors about species occurrence at multiple levels. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 1081-1091.
Madeleine Van Oppen, Ruth Gates, Linda Blackall, Neal Cantin, Leela Chakravarti, Wing Chan, Craig Cormick, Angela Crean, Katarina Damjanovic, Hannah Epstein, Peter Harrison, Thomas Jones, Margaret Miller, Rachel Pears, Lesa Peplow, David Raftos, Britta Schaffelke, Kristen Stewart, Gergely Torda, David Wachenfeld, Andrew Weeks, Hollie Putnam (2017) Shifting paradigms in restoration of the world’s coral reefs. Global Change Biology 23: 3437-3448.
Andrew Weeks, Dean Heinze, Louise Perrin, Jakub Stoklosa, Ary Hoffmann, Anthony van Rooyen, Tom Kelly, Ian Mansergh (2017) Genetic rescue increases fitness and aids rapid recovery of an endangered marsupial population. Nature Communications 8: 1071.
Kursheed Khan, Andrew Weeks (2016) Dryad in the UK and USA: Prospective and retrospective data publication. Toxicological Sciences 153: 225-227.
Peter Kriesner, William Conner, Andrew Weeks, Michael Turelli, Ary Hoffmann (2016) Persistence of a Wolbachia infection frequency cline in Drosophila melanogaster and the possible role of reproductive dormancy. Evolution 70: 979-997.
Adam Miller, Anthony van Rooyen, Gordana Rašić, Daniel Ierodiaconou, Harry Gorfine, Robert Day, Caroline Wong, Ary Hoffman, Andrew Weeks (2016) Contrasting patterns of population connectivity between regions in a commercially important mollusc Haliotis rubra: Integrating population genetics, genomics and marine LiDAR data. Molecular Ecology 25: 3845-3864.
Adam Smart, Andrew Weeks, Anthony van Rooyen, Alana Moore, Michael McCarthy, Reid Tingley (2016) Assessing the cost‐efficiency of environmental DNA sampling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 1291-1298.
Andrew Weeks, Jakub Stoklosa, Ary Hoffmann (2016) Conservation of genetic uniqueness of populations may increase extinction likelihood of endangered species: The case of Australian mammals. Frontiers in Zoology 13: 45300.
Ary Hoffmann, Philippa Griffin, Shannon Dillon, Renee Catullo, Rahul Rane, Margaret Byrne, Rebecca Jordan, John Oakeshott, Andrew Weeks, Leo Joseph, Peter Lockhart, Justin Borevitz, Carla Sgrò (2015) A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into biodiversity conservation and management. Climate Change Responses 2: 45315.
Peter Mee, Andrew Weeks, Peter Walker, Ary Hoffmann, Jean-Bernard Duchemin (2015) Detection of low-level Cardinium and Wolbachia infections in Culicoides. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 6177-6188.
Adam Smart, Reid Tingley, Andrew Weeks, Anthony van Rooyen, Michael Mccarthy (2015) Environmental DNA sampling is more sensitive than a traditional survey technique for detecting an aquatic invader. Ecological Applications 25: 1944-1952.
Reid Tingley, Andrew Weeks, Adam Smart, Anthony van Rooyen, Andrew Woolnough, Michael Mccarthy (2015) European newts establish in Australia, marking the arrival of a new amphibian order. Biological Invasions 17: 31-37.
Vanessa White, Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Janice Chan, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2015) Developing Exon‐Primed Intron‐Crossing (EPIC) markers for population genetic studies in three Aedes disease vectors. Insect Science 22: 409-423.
Gordana Rašić, Igor Filipović, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2014) Genome-wide SNPs lead to strong signals of geographic structure and relatedness patterns in the major arbovirus vector, Aedes aegypti. BMC Genomics 15: 45303.
Andrew Weeks, Michael Smith, Anthony van Rooyen, Dion Maple, Adam Miller (2014) A single panmictic population of endemic red crabs, Gecarcoidea natalis, on Christmas Island with high levels of genetic diversity. Conservation Genetics 15: 909-919.
Melody Serena, ?. Williams, Andrew Weeks, Josh Griffiths (2014) Variation in platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) life-history attributes and population trajectories in urban streams. Australian Journal of Zoology 62: 223-234.
?. Olanratmanee, ?. Kittayapong, ?. Chansang, Ary Hoffman, Andrew Weeks (2013) Population genetic structure of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) at a micro-spatial scale in Thailand: Implications for a Dengue suppression strategy. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7: e1913.
Rhys Coleman, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffman (2013) Balancing genetic uniqueness and genetic variation in determining conservation and translocation strategies: A comprehensive case study of threatened dwarf galaxias, Galaxiella pusilla (Mack) (Pisces: Galaxiidae). Molecular Ecology 22: 1820-1835.
Elise Furlan, Josh Griffiths, Nick Gust, Kathrine Handasyde, T. Grant, B. Gruber, Andrew Weeks (2013) Dispersal patterns and population structuring among platypuses, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, throughout south-eastern Australia. Conservation Genetics 14: 837-853.
Josh Griffiths, Tom Kelly, Andrew Weeks (2013) Net-avoidance behaviour in platypuses. Australian Mammalogy 35: 245-247.
Peter Kriesner, Ary Hoffmann, Siu Lee, Michael Turelli, Andrew Weeks (2013) Rapid sequential spread of two Wolbachia variants in Drosophila simulans. PLoS Pathogens 9: e1003607.
Adam Miller, Robert Good, Rhys Coleman, Melanie Lancaster, Andrew Weeks (2013) Microsatellite loci and the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence characterized through next generation sequencing and de novo genome assembly for the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot, Neophema chrysogaster. Molecular Biology Reports 40: 35-42.
Adam Miller, Anthony van Rooyen, Oisín Sweeney, Nick Whiterod, Andrew Weeks (2013) The development of 10 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers through next generation sequencing and a preliminary population genetic analysis for the endangered Glenelg spiny crayfish, Euastacus bispinosus. Molecular Biology Reports 40: 4415-4419.
Andrew Weeks, Anthony van Rooyen, Paul Mitrovski, Dean Heinze, Amy Winnard, Adam Miller (2013) A species in decline: Genetic diversity and conservation of the Victorian eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii. Conservation Genetics 14: 1243-1254.
Adam Miller, Paul Umina, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2012) Population genetics of the wheat curl mite (Aceria tosichella Keifer) in Australia: Implications for the management of wheat pathogens. Bulletin of Entomological Research 102: 199-212.
Paul Umina, Andrew Weeks, John Roberts, Sommer Jenkins, Peter Mangano, Alan Lord, Svetlana Micic (2012) The current status of pesticide resistance in Australian populations of the redlegged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor). Pest Management Science 68: 889-896.
Siu Lee, Vanessa White, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann, Nancy Endersby (2012) High-throughput PCR assays to monitor Wolbachia infection in the dengue mosquito (Aedes aegypti) and Drosophila simulans. Applied and environmental microbiology 78: 4740-4743.
Adam Miller, Anthony van Rooyen, Renae Ayres, Tarmo Raadik, Peter Fairbrother, Andrew Weeks (2012) The development of 24 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered barred galaxias, Galaxias fuscus, through next generation DNA sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources 4: 613-616.
Belinda Van Heerwaarden, Richard Foo Heng Lee, Benjamin Wegener, Andrew Weeks, Carla Sgrò (2012) Complex patterns of local adaptation in heat tolerance in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 1765-1778.
Elise Furlan, Jakub Stoklosa, Josh Griffiths, Nick Gust, ?. Ellis, Richard Huggins, Andrew Weeks (2012) Small population size and extremely low levels of genetic diversity in island populations of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Ecology and Evolution 2: 844-857.
Elise Furlan, Josh Griffiths, Nick Gust, ?. Armistead, Paul Mitrovski, Kathrine Handasyde, Melody Serena, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2012) Is body size variation in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) associated with environmental variables?. Australian Journal of Zoology 59: 201-215.
John Roberts, Paul Umina, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2011) Population dynamics and diapause response of the Springtail pest Sminthurus viridis (Collembola: Sminthuridae) in south-eastern Australia. Journal of Economic Entomology 104: 465-473.
Angelos Tsitsilas, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks, Paul Umina (2011) Impact of groundcover manipulations within windbreaks on mite pests and their natural enemies. Australian Journal of Entomology 50: 37-47.
Aston Arthur, Adam Miller, Andrew Weeks (2011) Genetic markers indicate a new species complex of emerging pest mites in Australian grains. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 104: 402-415.
Aston Arthur, Andrew Weeks, Matthew Hill, Ary Hoffmann (2011) The distribution, abundance and life cycle of the pest mites Balaustium medicagoense (Prostigmata: Erythraeidae) and Bryobia spp. (Prostigmata: Tetranychidae) in Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology 50: 22-36.
Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Ary Hoffman, Vanessa White, S. Ritchie, P. Johnson, Andrew Weeks (2011) Changes in the genetic structure of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) populations in Queensland, Australia, across two seasons: Implications for potential mosquito releases. Journal of Medical Entomology 48: 999-1007.
John Roberts, Andrew Weeks (2011) Genetic structure and long-distance dispersal in populations of the wingless pest springtail, Sminthurus viridis (Collembola: Sminthuridae). Genetics Research 93: 45303.
John Roberts, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann, Paul Umina (2011) Does Bdellodes lapidaria (Acari: Bdellidae) have a role in biological control of the springtail pest, Sminthurus viridis (Collembola: Sminthuridae) in south-eastern Australia?. Biological Control 58: 222-229.
Andrew Weeks, Carla Sgrò, Andrew Young, Richard Frankham, Nicki Mitchell, Kim Miller, Margaret Byrne, David Coates, Mark Eldridge, Paul Sunnucks, Martin Breed, Elizabeth James, Ary Hoffmann (2011) Assessing the benefits and risks of translocations in changing environments: a genetic perspective. Evolutionary Applications 4: 709-725.
Heng Lin Yeap, Peter Mee, Thomas Walker, Andrew Weeks, Scott O’Neill, Petrina Johnson, Scott Ritchie, Kelly Richardson, Clare Doig, Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Ary Hoffmann (2011) Dynamics of the ‘Popcorn’ Wolbachia infection in outbred Aedes aegypti informs prospects for mosquito vector control. Genetics 187: 583-595.
Aston Arthur, Andrew Weeks, Paul Umina, Ary Hoffmann (2010) Survival and reproduction of the pest mites Balaustium medicagoense and Bryobia spp. on winter grain crops. Experimental and Applied Acarology 52: 141-153.
Elise Furlan, Paul Umina, Paul Mitrovski, Nick Gust, Josh Griffiths, Andrew Weeks (2010) High levels of genetic divergence between Tasmanian and Victorian platypuses, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, as revealed by microsatellite loci. Conservation Genetics 11: 319-323.
Lauren Carrington, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2010) Monitoring long-term evolutionary changes following Wolbachia introduction into a novel host: The Wolbachia popcorn infection in Drosophila simulans. Proceedings B 277: 2059-2068.
Isabel Valenzuela, Peter Ridland, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2010) Patterns of genetic variation and host adaptation in an invasive population of Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103: 886-897.
Andrew Weeks, Nancy Endersby-Harshman, C. Lange, Elizabeth Lowe, Myron Zalucki, Ary Hoffmann (2010) Genetic variation among Helicoverpa armigera populations as assessed by microsatellites: A cautionary tale about accurate allele scoring. Bulletin of Entomological Research 100: 445-450.
John Roberts, Paul Umina, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2009) The tolerance of the lucerne flea, Sminthurus viridis (Collembola: Sminthuridae), to currently registered pesticides in Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology 48: 241-246.
Melissa Carew, Michele Schiffer, Paul Umina, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2009) Molecular markers indicate that the wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella Keifer, may represent a species complex in Australia. Bulletin of Entomological Research 99: 479-486.
Lauren Carrington, Jane Leslie, Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2009) The Popcorn Wolbachia infection of Drosophila melanogaster: Can selection alter Wolbachia longevity effects?. Evolution 63: 2648-2657.
Isabel Valenzuela, Victor Eastop, Peter Ridland, Andrew Weeks (2009) Molecular and morphometric data indicate a new species of the aphid genus Rhopalosiphum (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 102: 914-924.
Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Ary Hoffman, Vanessa White, ?. Lowenstein, ?. Ritchie, P. Johnson, L. Rapley, P. Ryan, V. Nam, N. Yen, ?. Kittiyapong, Andrew Weeks (2009) Genetic structure of Aedes aegypti in Australia and Vietnam revealed by microsatellite and Exon Primed Intron Crossing Markers suggests deasibility of local control options. Journal of Medical Entomology 46: 1074-1083.
Aston Arthur, Ary Hoffmann, Paul Umina, Andrew Weeks (2008) Emerging pest mites of grains (Balaustium medicagoense and Bryobia sp.) show high levels of tolerance to currently registered pesticides. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48: 1126-1132.
Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks, Michael Nash, Peter Mangano, Paul Umina (2008) The changing status of invertebrate pests and the future of pest management in the Australian grains industry. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48: 1481-1493.
Svetlana Micic, Ary Hoffmann, ?. Strickland, Andrew Weeks, Judy Bellati, Ken Henry, Michael Nash, Paul Umina (2008) Pests of germinating grain crops in southern Australia: An overview of their biology and management options. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48: 1560-1573.
Janelle Collinge, Alisha Anderson, Andrew Weeks, Travis Johnson, Stephen McKechnie (2008) Latitudinal and cold-tolerance variation associate with DNA repeat-number variation in the hsr-omega RNA gene of Drosophila melanogaster. Heredity 101: 260-270.
Ary Hoffmann, Tracy Reynolds, Michael Nash, Andrew Weeks (2008) A high incidence of parthenogenesis in agricultural pests. Proceedings B 275: 2473-2481.
Jane McGower, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2008) Effectiveness of spring spraying targeting diapause egg production for controlling redlegged earth mites and other pests in pasture. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48: 1118-1125.
Paul Mitrovski, Ary Hoffmann, Dean Heinze, Andrew Weeks (2008) Rapid loss of genetic variation in an endangered possum. Biology Letters 4: 134-138.
Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2008) Frequency-dependent selection maintains clonal diversity in an asexual organism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 17872-17877.
Frederick Beaulieu, Andrew Weeks (2007) Free-living mesostigmatic mites in Australia: Their roles in biological control and bioindication. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 47: 460-478.
Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Ary Hoffmann, Stephen McKechnie, Andrew Weeks (2007) Is there genetic structure in populations of Helicoverpa armigera from Australia?. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 122: 253-263.
Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2007) Climatic selection on genes and traits after a 100 year-old invasion: A critical look at the temperate-tropical clines in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia. Genetica 129: 133-147.
Ary Hoffmann, Endang Ratna, Carla Sgrò, Madeleine Barton, Mark Blacket, Rebecca Hallas, Stephanie De Garis, Andrew Weeks (2007) Antagonistic selection between adult thorax and wing size in field released Drosophila melanogaster independent of thermal conditions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 2219-2227.
Andrew Weeks, Stephen McKechnie, Ary Hoffmann (2007) Robust clines and robust sampling: A reply to Kyriacou et al.. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 1652-1654.
Isabel Valenzuela, Ary Hoffmann, Mallik Malipatil, Peter Ridland, Andrew Weeks (2007) Identification of aphid species (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Aphidinae) using a rapid polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism method based on the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Australian Journal of Entomology 46: 305-312.
Andrew Weeks, Michael Turelli, William Harcombe, Tracy Reynolds, Ary Hoffmann (2007) From parasite to mutualist: Rapid evolution of Wolbachia in natural populations of Drosophila. PLoS Biology 5: e114.
Paul Mitrovski, Dean Heinze, ?. Broome, Ary Hoffman, Andrew Weeks (2007) High levels of variation despite genetic fragmentation in populations of the endangered mountain pygmy‐possum, Burramys parvus, in alpine Australia. Molecular Ecology 16: 75-87.
Paul Umina, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks, Stephen McKechnie (2006) An independent non-linear latitudinal cline for the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate (α-Gpdh) polymorphism of Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia. Genetics Research 87: 13-21.
Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Stephen McKechnie, Peter Ridland, Andrew Weeks (2006) Microsatellites reveal a lack of structure in Australian populations of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.). Molecular Ecology 15: 107-118.
Andrew Weeks, Stephen McKechnie, Ary Hoffmann (2006) In search of clinal variation in the period and clock timing genes in Australian Drosophila melanogaster populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 551-557.
Angelos Tsitsilas, ?. Stuckey, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks, Linda Thomson (2006) Shelterbelts in agricultural landscapes suppress invertebrate pests. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46: 1379-1388.
Alisha Anderson, Ary Hoffmann, Stephen McKechnie, Paul Umina, Andrew Weeks (2005) The latitudinal cline in the In(3R)Payne inversion polymorphism has shifted in the last 20 years in Australian Drosophila melanogaster populations. Molecular Ecology 14: 851-858.
Paul Umina, Andrew Weeks, Michael Kearney, Stephen McKechnie, Ary Hoffmann (2005) A rapid shift in a classic clinal pattern in Drosophila reflecting climate change. Science 308: 691-693.
Nancy Endersby-Harshman, Stephen McKechnie, Blythe Vogel, Linda Gahan, Simon Baxter, Peter Ridland, Andrew Weeks (2005) Microsatellites isolated from diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), for studies of dispersal in Australian populations. Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 51-53.
Lisa Provencher, Geoffrey Morse, Andrew Weeks, Benjamin Normark (2005) Parthenogenesis in the Aspidiotus nerii complex (Hemiptera: Diaspididae): A single origin of a worldwide, polyphagous lineage associated with Cardinium bacteria. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98: 629-635.
Paul Rugman‐Jones, Andrew Weeks, M. Hoddle, Richard Stouthamer (2005) Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite loci in the avocado thrips Scirtothrips perseae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 644-646.
Paul Mitrovski, Dean Heinze, ?. Guthridge, Andrew Weeks (2005) Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite loci from the Australian endemic mountain pygmy‐possum, Burramys parvus Broom. Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 395-397.
Paul Umina, Ary Hoffmann, Andrew Weeks (2004) Biology, ecology and control of the Penthaleus species complex (Acari: Penthaleidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology 34: 211-237.
Ary Hoffmann, Carla Sgrò, Andrew Weeks (2004) Chromosomal inversion polymorphisms and adaptation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19: 482-488.
Andrew Weeks, Richard Stouthamer (2004) Increased fecundity associated with infection by a Cytophaga-like intracellular bacterium in the predatory mite, Metaseiulus occidentalis. Proceedings B 271: S193–S195.
Andrew Weeks, Robert Velten, Richard Stouthamer (2003) Incidence of a new sex-ratio-distorting endosymbiotic bacterium among arthropods. Proceedings B 270: 1857–1865.
Andrew Weeks, Stephen McKechnie, Ary Hoffmann (2002) Dissecting adaptive clinal variation: Markers, inversions and size/stress associations in Drosophila melanogaster from a central field population. Ecology Letters 5: 756-763.
Andrew Weeks, Tracy Reynolds, Ary Hoffmann (2002) Wolbachia dynamics and host effects: What has (and has not) been demonstrated?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 257-262.
Ary Hoffmann, Michelle Robinson, Andrew Weeks (2002) Geographic patterns of clonal diversity in the earth mite species Penthaleus major with particular emphasis on species margins. Evolution 56: 1160–1167.
De Freitas Vala Salvador, Andrew Weeks, David Claessen, Johannes Breeuwer, M. Sabelis (2002) Within–and between–population variation for Wolbachia induced cytoplasmiic incompatibility in a haplodiploid mite. Evolution 7: 1331–1339.
Andrew Weeks, Johannes Breeuwer (2001) Wolbachia-induced parthenogenesis in a genus of phytophagous mites. Proceedings B 268: 2245–2251.
Andrew Weeks, Frantisek Marec, Johannes Breeuwer (2001) A mite species that consists entirely of haploid females. Science 292: 2479-2482.
Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (2000) Competitive interactions between two pest species of earth mites, Halotydeus destructor and Penthaleus major (Acarina: Penthaleidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 93: 1183-1191.
Andrew Weeks, Michael Turelli, Ary Hoffmann (2000) Dispersal patterns of pest earth mites (Acari: Penthaleidae) in pastures and crops. Journal of Economic Entomology 93: 1415-1423.
Andrew Weeks, Tim van Opijnen, Johannes Breeuwer (2000) AFLP fingerprinting for assessing intraspecific variation and genome mapping in mites. Experimental and Applied Acarology 24: 775-793.
Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (1999) The biology of Penthaleus species in southeastern Australia. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 92: 179-189.
Andrew Weeks, Ary Hoffmann (1998) Intense selection of mite clones in a heterogeneous environment. Evolution 52: 1325-1333.
Andrew Weeks, Yvonne Fripp, Ary Hoffmann (1995) Genetic structure of Halotydeus destructor and Penthaleus major populations in Victoria (Acari: Penthaleidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology 19: 633-646.