Redlegged earth mite severity risk calculator

Decision aid tool

The severity risk calculator has been developed to help growers and advisers determine whether their paddock is at risk of the redlegged earth mite.

It is an interactive version of the severity risk assessment tool featured in the ‘Redlegged earth mite: best management practice guide’.

Determining paddocks at risk

There are several factors to consider when predicting whether the redlegged earth mite will be a problem in a paddock. Redlegged earth mite risk varies according to a range of factors includings crop rotations, broadleaf weed coverage, redlegged earth mite abundance in previous years, and insecticide usage. This interactive tool helps to communicate how different factors influence risk and the management options that are available for the control of the redlegged earth mite.

By using this risk calculator, the severity risk for a given paddock can be calculated. Growers will benefit from gaining an understanding of redlegged earth mite risks for the upcoming season, and management strategies to help manage risk and maintain profitability.

This web tool was developed by Dr James Maino through a GRDC investment (CES2010-001RXT) with contributions from CSIRO, Cesar Australia, the University of Melbourne, and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. This tool will continue to be developed through the current investment.

Hear from Senior Research Scientist Dr James Maino and Research and Extension Scientist, Adriana Arturi in a quick discussion to help new users learn about this tool.

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